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Coronavirus –
We are sure that you are holding all those infected by the coronavirus in China and around the world, as well as those who care for them, in your prayers at this time. As good liturgical and pastoral practice, clergy in the parish will be following proper hand washing and sanitising techniques before and during the Eucharist in order to help keep our churches as safe as possible, not only from this particular outbreak but from infectious diseases in general. Please note that advice from the Church of England suggests that there is no immediate need to abandon the practice of shaking hands when sharing the peace (please however respect other people’s wishes). However, they do advise that good hygiene practice (washing hands thoroughly before leaving home, or using antibacterial wipes or gels) will reduce the risk of any infection. The advice also reinforces the PCC decision to ban the practice of intinction, and so this will remain in force at this time. We will update you over any further significant developments.
Mental health provisions - The Church of England have prepared some reflections on supporting good mental health at this time, which you can view at
Prayer requests - please send to [email protected] or call 07999 596590
The Parish Prayer Group - will be holding the parish and community before God in prayer on Wednesday evening between 8:20 and 9 o’clock. You are invited to set aside this time and join with us in Spirit. If you would like us to pray for a specific concern or person please send details to [email protected] Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained.
Continuing with Finance and Stewardship - Those of you who currently support us through planned giving envelopes or cash on the collection plates may wish to consider giving through the Giving Direct, Direct Debit Scheme , through Standing Order (speak to Julie Morrison, our Gift Aid Officer) or through our newly launched JustGiving page –
Fr Graham & the PCC